From a comedian...
"Could we just stop killing each other because we're different religions? My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend.."
Label: Crazy Thoughts
That the 100% cause of death is birth?
That people tell you not to stand in front of an emergency exit when if there was an emergency surely you would run through it?
Label: Has anybody noticed
That Sally sold seashells by the sea shore when we could just pick them up anyway?
Label: Has anybody noticed
That we say an alarm clock is going off when really its coming on?
Label: Has anybody noticed
ō_ō That we sing "Rock a bye baby" to our babies to sleep when the song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the cradle to the ground? ō_ō
Label: Has anybody noticed
That if you rearranged the letters in mother in law, they come out to Woman Hitler?"
Label: Has anybody noticed
That people say "it's an ATM machine", but they're really saying Automated Teller Machine Machine?
Label: Has anybody noticed
That we assume Humpty Dumpty is an egg?
Label: Has anybody noticed
That flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?
Label: Has anybody noticed
If mirrors need light to work, what happens if you put night vision goggles on in the dark and look at a mirror?
Label: Crazy Thoughts
There's a blog born every half second...
Label: Has anybody noticed
That we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them?
Label: Has anybody noticed